
combine drier中文是什么意思

  • 联合收割机上的干燥装置
  • 联合收获机上的干燥装置



  • 例句与用法
  • Environmental testing part 2 : tests , test z bm : combined dry heat low air pressure tests
    环境试验.第2部分:试验试验z bm :干热低气压组合试验
  • Environmental testing - part 2 : tests - test z bm : combined dry heat low air pressure tests
    环境试验.第2部分:试验. z bm试验:干热低气压混合试验
  • Environmental testing - test methods - tests - test z bm : combined dry heat low air pressure tests
    环境试验.试验方法.试验z bm .干热低气压结合试验
  • Basic environmental testing procedures . part 2 : tests . test z bm : combined dry heat low air pressure tests
    基本环境试验程序.第2部分:试验.第41节:试验z bm :干热低气压综合试验
  • Environmental testing - part 2 : tests ; test z bm : combined dry heat low air pressure tests iec 60068 - 2 - 41 : 1976 a1 : 1983 ; german version en 60068 - 2 - 41 : 1999
    环境试验.第2部分:试验.试验z bm :干热低气压组合试
  • Environmental testing - part 2 : tests - tests z bfc : combined dry heat vibration sinuso ? dal tests for both heat - dissipating and non - heat - dissipating specimens
    环境试验.第2部分:试验z bfc :热消散和非热消散试样的干热振动
  • Environmental testing - test methods - tests - tests z bfc - combined dry heat vibration sinusoidal tests for both heat - dissipating and non - heat - dissipating specimens
    环境试验.试验方法.试验z bfc :热散失和无热散失样品的干热振动
  • Basic environmental testing procedures part 2 : tests tests z bfc : combined dry heat vibration sinusoidal tests for both heat - dissipating and non - heat - dissipating specimens
    基本环境试验过程.第2部分:试验.试验z bfc :散热和非散热试样的干热振动
  • Basic environmental testing procedures ; part 2 : tests ; test z bfc : combined dry heat vibration sinusoidal tests for both heat - dissipating and non - heat - dissipating specimens
    基本环境试验程序.第2部分:试验.第51节:试验z bfc :散热和非散热试验样品的干热振动正弦综合试验
  • Environmental testing for electric and electronic products part 2 : tests tests z bfc : combined dry heat vibration sinusoidal tests for both heat - dissipating and non - heat - dissipating specimens
    电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验z bfc :散热和非散热试验样品的高温振动
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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